Project Examples
Strategic Planning
An international health care organization, University Research Corporation, needed to conduct strategic planning with staff from headquarters and field offices around the world. After completing a needs assessment with staff through interviews and an online survey, Susan facilitated a three-day retreat to discuss key issues and develop a practical action plan with group and individual commitments.
Executive Coaching
The staff of a senior manager at a federal agency was frustrated with her management style. As Susan coached her, she recognized that her rigid and demanding ways had a negative impact on her staff ’s productivity and motivation. Susan used powerful questioning and 360-feedback from co-workers to guide the manager to discover the answers she needed. After changing her managerial approach, her staff said that she was more approachable and flexible, and as a result, they decided not to leave the organization for other jobs.

Focus Groups
Susan facilitated focus groups for the Executive Office of the Obama Administration. The purpose was to improve customer service at the Office of Administration, which provides services to the White House.
Women Empowerment
Working with Women for Women International and the Grameen Bank, Susan helped establish a microcredit lending program for women in Bosnia. She traveled to villages to recruit borrowers and led sessions on problem-solving skills at the first meeting. The program has since grown to more than 200 borrowers.
Leadership Development
Susan co-facilitates leadership development programs for managers at Daimler/Mercedes-Benz. Sessions covered topics such as team building, communications using the DISC assessment, systemic principles, peer consulting, change management, and action planning.